Freitag, 17. April 2009

Ricardo Streiff from Buones Aires Argentinia created a special movie for the event of communicative art exchange in Cabaret Voltaire.
Name of the Movie( in spanish): Un rayo sale de mi cabeza
Music: Eyectados del infierno
Ricardo Streiff is a multi disciplinary artist born in Buenos Aires in 1961 in an italian family. Since 1982, as an actor, he has taken part of many avant garde theater projects and performances in Buenos Aires City. He was just one of the first artist to perform in the streets, still under the military government. At the age of 24, he got involved in American Chamanism practices. He wrote, produced and directed several humor plays for theatre too. During the last years, he worked as a script writer for television, internet Web pages and then as a content producer for cell phone products. Sometimes he still gets on the stage to make his amusing stand up comedy routines....Actually he leads the Eyectados del Infierno Project.

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

My God!!! What a face!!!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hola Tio Ricci por fin en europa !!! Muy bien trabajo....hasta pronto Jackie de Barcelona